A letter to Washington Russian Ambassador and San Francisco Consul General of Russia

Russian Consulate in San Francisco California

Dear Washington Russian Ambassador and San Francisco Consul General of Russia –

Sirs :

I am Don J. Grundmann, D.C. and I write to you now as an American citizen to express my shame in my government for waging a proxy war against your nation via its war criminal sock-puppet of NATO.  This horrific action has resulted in countless totally avoidable deaths which have only occurred because my nation has been conquered by an anti-Christian ” Deep State ” which seeks to permanently destroy your nation for all generations to come in order to build a Satanic/Humanist Religion ” New World Order.”

I have known of the reality of such a ” Deep.State ” for some time but it’s actions in seeking to destroy your nation via using Ukraine as a hammer for attack was, in addition to the CIA sponsored/promoted ” Maidan ” coup of 2014, far more shockingly expressed by the recent statement of the Director of the British Intelligence agency MI6 who openly declared that the greatest difference between your nation and the NATO/Ukraine alliance which targets it for annihilation is NATO support for ” LGBT values.”

Such an absolutely astounding statement could on its surface be considered the inconsequential ravings of a complete lunatic but the unfortunate reality is that it addresses the core philosophical/religious motivation at the base of the current Life and Death struggle in which your nation is involved – the War between Christianity and it’s Satanist/Humanist Religion sworn to the death enemies.

Such War has unfortunately involved your nation for longer than a century with a distinctive inflection point being the Bolshevik revolution which destroyed the Romanov dynasty.  The same foundations of this attack are, incredibly, the driving force behind the current American proxy War against your country.

For the historical facts are that the Bolshevik attack on your nation was funded by Jewish American bankers, most specifically Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and his cohorts, who sought to destroy the Monarchy/Romanovs specifically because they represented a Christian cultural foundation of your nation.  The singular Jewish religious faction/sect which the attackers represented was ( and still is ) known as ” Sabbatean Frankism ” ( S.F

Judaism ) with their motto being ” Creative Destruction ” and their goal being the total annihilation of any cultural, social, or national expression of Christianity.  Hence passing on to modern day individuals the Biblically documented collective Jewish spiritual animosity of the Sadducees and Pharisees who historically killed Jesus Christ has time traveled over 2,000 years to our day where, yet again and as always, It seeks to destroy all manifestations, inclusive now of entire nations such as yours, of its forever chosen and declared enemy.

Such cultural/spiritual War includes the incredible real ” tip of the iceberg ” reason/motivation for the War against you – your relatively recent adaption of laws/legislation to prevent the indoctrination/destruction of your children by the Satanic/Humanist anti-humanity, and banker controlled/promoted, War Machine of what is known as the ” LGBT Movement.”

Such teaching is rightly recognized by President Putin and your governmental authorities as a deliberate, and deadly, attack upon the cultural foundations of your society and nation as its proponents know that the Social Engineering ( Mass Formation Psychosis ) of your children to accept, endorse, and promote the inherent Satanic religious base of the LGBT Movement/War Machine will result in the increasing ( and eventually unstoppable ) destruction of both generations of children and the nation itself as such soul poison is promoted and allowed to spread.

The Satanic overthrow of the Christian foundations of my own country can unfortunately be illustrated in countless examples inclusive of the recent and accelerating practice of placing the Sodomite Flag ( also known as the ” Rainbow ” flag and consisting of horizonal stripes of 6 of the colors of the rainbow ) in a position of prominence just below the American flag at our embassies throughout the world; i.e.; we are promoting the values of the LGBT Movement Satanic/Humanist War Machine around the world.  And what are those values?

LGBT values, as the complete opposite of Christianity, are dedicated to the promotion of Satanism/Humanism inclusive of the destruction of the natural nuclear family of man, woman, and children; the demonization of masculinity, the promotion of feminism; i.e.; hatred of men; the promotion of abortion; i.e.; the demonization and destruction of children inclusive especially of the unborn, and the destruction of Western Civilization ( Christian culture ) itself.  They are reflective of the Marquis De Sade, the ” Standard Bearer ” of the LGBT War Machine who, as a historical follower/worshiper of Satan/Lucifer, is their chosen leader in opposition to their Christian chosen forever enemy of Jesus Christ.

Hence the seriousness of the situation is fully illustrated by the total corruption of NATO which could have easily recognized your extremely legitimate security concerns and stated – ” You are correct.. We have no right to threaten your country by placing offensive weapons in Ukraine.  We therefore will no longer advance NATO to your very border(s), either directly or via surrogates/proxies.  We instead seek peace with your nation and will ensure that any government of Ukraine will be neutral and under no circumstance will join either the European Union or NATO.”

Of course such a simple and logical statement never happened and, unfortunately, never will.

For the fact is that the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America; now represented by our sock-puppet Emperor/fake President Biden; has been overthrown and replaced by an anti-Christian/Satanic Junta/Theocracy; i.e.; you are in a religious War with an implacable foe which is dedicated to both your surrender and enslavement and that of humanity as a whole.  

Such War has already, at this very early stage, included extensive NATO/U.S. construction of biological weapons laboratories, the recruitment of proxy soldiers via private mercenary contractors, CIA coordination of attacks against your military forces, and the payment of more than $40 billion dollars by our Congress to both enrich our defense contractors/Military Industrial Complex and lay the basis for our planned War of Attrition against your nation.  Even today lapdog/lackey Senator McConnell has demonstrated his groveling obedience/loyalty to his PM Masters/Controllers by traveling to Ukraine in promotion of their War Machine and its Satanic attack against you; i.e.; those, in service to Lucifer, who betray humanity are richly rewarded.

As with the Bolshevik attack upon your nation their modern day successors are more than willing to sacrifice/kill/destroy countless millions of both your countrymen and anyone else who gets in their way to achieve your both physical and, especially, living death/slavery.  Our Deep State rulers ( inclusive of their ” NeoCon ” lackeys such as Victoria Nuland and other proponents of S.F. Judaism ), who I call our ” Plantation Masters ( PM’s ),” will fight to the death of the last Ukranian.

It is these war mongering/promoting ” NeoCons;” communists who hide behind claimed American conservative values to conceal their true Satanic motives and goals, who now control American foreign policy via the Coup/theft of our 2020 Presidential election.  The same ultra corrupt press/media which promoted and aided the Coup has now, following the instructions/orders of their PM Controllers, turned against your nation in their War Against Humanity while totally ignoring the Mt. Everest of Ukranian criminal government corruption inclusive of the actions of the Biden Crime Family/Syndicate as illustrated by the ” Laptop from Hell ” of Hunter Biden.

Hence Sir, please be assured that a growing core of truly patriotic Americans recognize that just as Ukraine ( via the ” Deep State ” ) has been stolen, ravaged, and now sacrificed by these Enemies of Humanity as a weapon/hammer against you so also has our own nation been stolen/hijacked by this same maniacal/psychotic Satanic cult which threatens to kill countless millions and even billions in its religious War to establish Hell on Earth; i.e.; the victory of Satan, its Master, over its forever enemy, Jesus Christ.

We recognize that since our nation has fallen under the rulership of Satan via his/Its representatives/soldiers that your nation is the last depository/national representative of Christianity as the predominant national religion.  This is the crystalized reason that your nation is scheduled/targeted for slavery, extermination, and annihilation.

We hence dedicate/pledge ourselves to join with you, to the greatest of our abilities, in defense of Western Civilization; i.e.; the Culture of Life founded upon Christianity; against the Dark Shadow of the Satanic/Humanist Culture of Death which, through its military arm of NATO supported by the now Lucifer controlled government of the united States, seeks to enslave all of humanity in a Permanent Night of death and despair.

May The Creator/God fortify your hearts for the long battle ahead as the ultra-corrupt demons of our nation; inclusive of Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Blinken, Defense Secretary Austin, and countless other lackeys/lapdogs; have declared that their end goal, no matter how long it takes, is nothing less than your total surrender to Satan, their Lord and Master.

We hence join you in this War to defend humanity from the permanent slavery which these Enemies of God have planned for His creation.  

May God bless and give strength to President Putin in his defense of your nation and humanity as a whole against the Satanic War Machine and its Culture/Religion of Death which now includes the formerly Christian nation of the united States.

Praying for the survival of both of our nations,

Don J. Grundmann, D.C.



Chairman, Constitution Party of California


California 2022 U.S. Senatorial candidate



National Straight Pride Coalition 




StandWithRussia.org ( developing )