Bringing Political Clarity in the Chaos of World News
Dear Citizen :
I am Don J. Grundmann, D.C., Chairman of the Constitution Party of California, and I write to you now to seek your aid in stopping World War 3.
2 developing websites; and; will be utilized to bring as much information as possible to the public regarding the reality, discussed in my letter to both the Russian Ambassador in Washington and the Russian consulate in San Francisco, that the United States, via NATO and using Ukraine as a ” sock-puppet,” is the aggressor in what is fundamentally a religious War between Satanism/Humanism; the current controlling motivational belief system of the developing New World Order/Great Reset/One World Government; and Christianity as represented and defended by Russia – the biggest, and only remaining, obstacle to the World Enslavement which the forces controlling the United States are attempting to achieve. … These websites seek to circumvent/bypass the ultra-corrupt mass media which will censor any opposing information as it promotes the World War so desired by our ” Plantation Masters; my term for the Elites who TRULY control pur former Constitutional, now Banana, Republic.
Only citizen action, inclusive of massive ( and many ) anti-war demonstrations across our nation, can stop the War Machine which already spends billions of $ each week feeding/bribing the Military/Industrial Complex as it builds toward its ultimate goal of sacrificing humanity; i.e.; billions of people; to obtain its dream of religious dictatorship over the world.
Let us stop their madness, via defending Russia and stopping the Satanic Evil of NATO, and build a Christian world of prosperity and freedom for all of humanity.
May God bless our endeavors.
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Chairman, Constitution Party of California
1-855-6373336 ( 855-6Freedom )
- A letter to Washington Russian Ambassador and San Francisco Consul General of RussiaDear Washington Russian Ambassador and San Francisco Consul General of Russia – Sirs : I am Don J. Grundmann, D.C.… Read more: A letter to Washington Russian Ambassador and San Francisco Consul General of Russia